Coohom now allows you to switch to imperial units that are in more precise measurements, covering fractions and decimals. Besides, the imperial units have been made applicable to more usage scenarios in Coohom.
In Coohom accounts, you can find two places where you can modify the precision of units. You can pick either place to make modifications, which will take effect globally.
A. Left-side navigation pane >> Settings >> Customizations >> Usage Preference
B. Design tool >> Avatar >> Preferences >> General >> Unit
Update Details
Before the update, only three unit options are supported, which are mm, m, and ft.
After the update, there are more imperial units supported.
As you can see, imperial units are not limited to feet any more. Instead, more unit precisions are included based on the habits of users from countries where imperial units have long been adopted.
Fractional inches
Decimal inches
Feet w/Fractional inches
Feet w/Decimal inches
Fractional inches
Decimal inches
Feet w/Fractional inches
Feet w/Decimal inches
If you select the Fractional inches mode, you can further choose precision values ranging from 1/1 to 1/128 as follows.
If you select the Decimal inches mode, you can further choose precision values ranging from 0.1 to 0.0001 as follows.
Meanwhile, we have allowed more scenarios to which imperial units are applicable. Now, such units are not restricted to the Design Tool. Modules such as Advanced Design Tool- Kitchen&Bath environment, Construction Drawings, Custom Quotation List, Custom Model Uploads, Parametric Modeling Editor, etc will support imerpial units. This way, you can work on your interior projects in a more precise and controllable manner, especially when it comes to cabinet designs.
Pls note that though the imperial units are widely applicable in Coohom, it will still be a while before they are completely available to all the design scenarios. Your patience is very much appreciated.