How to make a glass lampshade?

Hello Coohom users,

Here we explain the process of creating such a glass lampshade. We need to use glass material to achieve a smooth light effect. The modeling principle of this model involves three layers. (youtube video at the botton)

First, you need to create the groove for the light as the base layer according to your own requirements.

Then, you can enter the custom modeling tool and create a face inside the groove. For example, if the groove is rectangular, I would create a rectangular face. Next, I apply a self-illuminating material to this face, which becomes the second layer.

For the third layer, I duplicate the rectangular face and extrude it to add thickness. Then I apply a glass material to it and place it inside the groove, sandwiched between the glass and the groove. By doing this, the face with the self-illuminating texture will render smooth lighting through the glass, achieving the desired effect.

For luminous material, you can find it here.

Additionally, all materials need to be assigned within the custom modeling function. You can select the glass material according to your needs, such as by its color, smoothness, translucency, or transparency. Different types of glass materials will also have varying effects on the lighting of the light.