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Drawing of Product/Room Generation Instructions

1.Select the drawing method

For custom furniture and K&B. Sheets provides two ways to generate the drawings, Respectively, ‘Drawings of Product’ and ‘Drawing per Room’.After entering the custom tool, its is shown in the following figure:

2.Drawings Generating logic

Custom products drawing is divided into ‘Custom Furniture ’ and ‘Kitchen and Bath ’, the logic for both is consistent.The two ways can only generate the drawings of the model corresponding to the industry line. 

Note: when choosing the Custom Furniture , we can only choose the models under the Custom Furniture Library, and when choosing the Kitchen and Bath, we can only choose the models under the K&B Library. 

3.Generate ways

3.1 Drawings of products

3.1.1 Selecting by room


Path:Click on [Drawings of products]-[Group by Room]

After selecting all the groups according to the room, the cabinet belonging to the same room will be regarded as a group of cabinet diagrams, and the list on the right will be divided into separate cabinet groups according to the room name. 

3.1.2 Selecting by relationship


Path:Click on [Drawings of products]-[Selecting all groups by relationship]

After selecting all the groups according to the room, the cabinet belonging to the same room will be regarded as a group of cabinet diagrams, and the list on the right will be divided into separate cabinet groups according to the room name.

3.1.3 Selecting the component


Component selection level is the submodel of the original cabinet or all component models added under the component library.

3.2 Drawing per Room

‘Drawing per Room’ is very simple, because the space is determined after the plan is complete. Just click the drawing button, you can jump to the view manager to view the generated drawings.

4.How to generate a single room view?

5.Customized Shortcuts Setting Entrance