Finger groove drawer face Modeling

Finger groove drawer faceModeling

Ⅰ.Creation Position

Custom Furniture —Create Asset—Parametric Model Library—New—Internal Parts—Door

II.Setting Parameters

2.1 System Parameters:

Open direction select null; door panel type select drawer front.

2.2 Basic Parameters:

2.2.1 Width (W) - Represents the size of the model panel in the X-axis direction. Set the value type as a range (e.g., range 10-1000, current value: 600).

2.2.2 Depth (D) - Represents the size of the model panel in the Y-axis direction. Set the value type as a options (e.g., optional 18, current value: 18).

2.2.3 Height (H) - Represents the size of the model panel in the Z-axis direction. Set the value type as a range (e.g., range150-300, current value: 200).

2.2.4 Material - No modification needed, indicating that the Door uses the default material.

III.Importing Submodels

3.1 Import a flat panel from elements library

3.2Edit Contour

Create a custom-shaped rectangular prism - Edit Contour.

Keep four points: Point 1 (0,0) and Point 2 (0,#D); point 3(#H,#D) point 4(#H,0).

Physical Properties:

Height is #W;PositionZ is #H; Rotate Y is 90.

Basic Properties:

Material angle is #CZFX; Side material angle is #CBCZFX.


Finger groove drawer faceⅡModeling



Modify based on the previous model


ⅠChange Basic Parameters:   Change Depth value to 25.

ⅡEdit Contour

Keep new six points: Point 1 (0,0) and Point 2 (0,4); point 3(25,20) point 4(25,#D) point5 (#H,#D) point6(#H,0).

Ⅲ.Physical Properties:

Height is #W;PositionZ is #H; Rotate Y is 90.

Basic Properties:

Material angle is #CZFX; Side material angle is #CBCZFX.


Finger groove drawer faceⅢ Modeling



Ⅰ Basic Parameters:  

ⅡEdit Contour.

Keep new eight points: Point 1 (22,0) and Point 2 (22,4); point 3(35,4) point 4(35,20) point5 (0,20) point6(0,25) point7(#H,#D) point8(#H,0).

Point3 set fillet corner type,set radius of fillet to 13.

Remain other attributes the same,this model is completed.