Open cabinet modeling

Ⅰ.Creation Position

Custom Furniture —Create Asset—Parametric Model Library—Furniture—Kitchen&bath base cabinet     

II.Setting Parameters

2.1 Basic Parameters:

2.1.1 Width (W) - Represents the size of the model panel in the X-axis direction. Set the value type as a range (e.g., range 200-1200, current value: 500).

2.1.2 Depth (D) - Represents the size of the model panel in the Y-axis direction. Set the value type as a range (e.g.range 200-1200, current value: 450).

2.1.3 Height (H) - Represents the size of the model panel in the Z-axis direction. Set the value type as a range (e.g., range500-2400, current value: 1600).

2.1.4 Material - No modification needed, indicating that the Door uses the default material.

2.2 Custom Parameters

Custom Parameters are used to add some more parameters except that commonly basic parameters or formulas in the editor.

2.2.1 toekick height(TH)—Represents the height of toe kick of cabinet,set it a range from 0 to 100 and value 80.

III.Importing Submodels

3.1 Import a front panel from Internal parts library as a sidepanel of cabinet,and set its dimensions.Width: #D; Depth:18;Height:#H.PositionY:-#D;RotateZ:90.

3.2. Click on the panel, right-click and select "Copy," then change the Position X to #W-18.

3.3. Select a panel as back panel and set its physical attributes. Width: #W-18*2, Depth: 18, Height: #H; Position X: 18.

3.4. Select a panel as bottom panel and set its physical attributes. Width: #W-18*2, Depth: #D-18, Height: 18; Position X: 18,PositionY:-18.

3.5. Click on bottom panel, right-click and select "Copy" ,then change this top panel’s Position Z to #H-18.

3.6 Add toe kick panel

3.6.1 Move bottom panel Position Z attribute up to #TH,which is height of toekick.

3.6.2 Modify back panel ‘s dimension,leave some distance for toe kick.Change Height to:#H-#TH-18, PositionZ:#TH-18.

3.6.3 Select a front panel from parts library as front panel of toekick part.And modify its dimensions: Width:#W-18*2,Height:#TH,PositionX:18,PositionY:-#D+18.

3.6.4 Click on this panel, right-click and select "Copy" ,then change Position Y to 0 and change its name to back.

Ⅳ. Test the Model

Input values within the range of parameters W, D, H and TH, observe if the model changes correctly. If it does, it means the model is working fine. 

Ⅴ. Save to Library

Click on the file in the upper right corner and choose save, select the subdirectory for saving, name it, and click save.