Vertical Line Door Modeling

Part one :Panel modeling

Ⅰ.Creation Position

Custom Furniture —Create Asset—Parametric Model Library—New—Internal Parts—Cupboard panel

II.Setting Parameters

2.1 Basic Parameters: 

2.2.1 Width (W) - Represents the size of the model panel in the X-axis direction. Set the value type as a range (e.g., range 5-1000, current value: 600).

2.2.2 Depth (D) - Represents the size of the model panel in the Y-axis direction. Set the value type as a options (e.g., optional 18, current value: 18).

2.2.3 Height (H) - Represents the size of the model panel in the Z-axis direction. Set the value type as a range (e.g., range10-1000, current value: 800).

2.2.4 Material - No modification needed, indicating that the Door uses the default material.

2.3 Custom Parameters

Custom Parameters are used to add some more parameters except that commonly basic parameters or formulas in the editor.


Groove With(GW)—Represents the width of outer edge groove of panel,set it a range from 0 to 10 and value 4.

Groove Depth(GD)—Represents the depth of outer edge groove of panel,set it a range from 0 to 10 and value 4.

III.Importing Submodels

3.1 Import a flat panel from elements library and edit it contour

Set four points: point 1(0,0),point 2(0,#D),point 3(#W,#D),point 4(#W,0)

Height set to #H.

Material angle #CZFX, Side material rotate #CBCZFX.

Last,save and store it for back up.


Part two :Drawer face modeling

Ⅳ.Create a new asset

Custom Furniture —Create Asset—Parametric Model Library—New—Internal Parts—Door

.Setting Parameters

5.1 Basic Parameters:

5.1.1 Width (W) - Represents the size of the model panel in the X-axis direction. Set the value type as a range (e.g., range 300-1000, current value: 500).

5.1.2 Depth (D) - Represents the size of the model panel in the Y-axis direction. Set the value type as a options (e.g., optional 18, current value: 18).

5.1.3 Height (H) - Represents the size of the model panel in the Z-axis direction. Set the value type as a range (e.g., range50-300, current value: 150).

5.1.4 Material - select a needed material from library.

5.2 Custom Parameters

Custom Parameters are used to add some more parameters except that commonly basic parameters or formulas in the editor.


Line quantities(LQ)—Represents How many lines are there in total,set it a range from 50 to 100 and value 73.

Import GD and GW from parameter template.