2024/06/17 UPDATE-【Inspiration Space】【Inspiration Space Dashboard】【SaaS】

【Inspiration Spaces】Supports paving replacement


The inspiration space now supports paving replacement.

Target Users:

Users selling paving products.


In the third step of creating the inspiration space, choose the replacement product - [Wall/Ceiling/Floor] module. If your original design uses paving products on these areas, these original pavings will be identified here.

You can then select other pavings from enterprise product libraries as replacement options.



Inspiration Sapce DashboardSupports to view data


Data can be viewed through the Inspiration Space dashboard.


Previously, customers were unable to know about the external usage of the Inspiration Space.


Through the Inspiration Space Dashboard, users can easily understand the visits and leads of the showroom, as well as stay informed about the most popular showrooms at any given time.


【SaaS】Supports to manage design projects according to the departmental organizational structure



For more details, please refer to the help center documentation.



Internally, employees can either only view and manage their own design projects, or they can view and manage all design projects within the company. This is very inconvenient for daily management.


Companies can arbitrarily specify which accounts can see the projects of which employees.

or detailed operational steps, please refer to the help center documentation.




【SaaS】Supports to add four levels of folder hierarchy for products


We have increased the folder hierarchy for products to four levels. 


Previously, merchants could only create three levels of subfolders within the Coohom enterprise product library. 


This update allows enterprise customers to create a fourth level of subfolders, further enhancing the convenience of enterprise product management.


【SaaS】Supports for downloading Coohom platform usage data for different statistical periods



As an enterprise administrator, they wish to understand the activity of their sub-accounts in order to monitor the usage of Coohom by their employee


Previously, merchants did not have detailed data to grasp the activity of designer accounts under their management.


The new update supports customers in downloading the activity of sub-accounts according to different time periods, facilitating the operation of designer accounts under the merchant's management.





用户图标: yanze
