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  3. [Enterprise] Project Management

[Enterprise] Suspend An Account Temporarily

For Enterprise users, Admin can suspend the manager and other designer's accounts, After the suspension, users can't log in to their accounts anymore until the Admin reactivates the account. The Data in the suspended account will still be remained and can be used by other accounts.

You can temporarily block a user's access to your organization's Coohom services by suspending their account. When you suspend an account, the users:

  • Projects, models, textures, or other data aren't deleted.

  • Shared projects and models still remain in the Team Project, Admin and Manager can still edit the shared projects.

Projects, models, textures, or other data aren't deleted.

Shared projects and models still remain in the Team Project, Admin and Manager can still edit the shared projects.

After suspending a user, you can restore the account at any time.

Important: Suspended accounts are still charged in the Enterprise plan. To avoid charges for a user account you don't need, you can delete it instead.